Web Design


UI and UX Design

At Kezo Web Solutions, we furnish you with a broad scope of UI plan arrangements that are had practical experience in Desktop/Web/Mobile User Interface (UI/UX) structure and improvement arrangements. Our experts create modified applications and sites that are doable and obviously, easy to use. We will assist you with improving your image character by interfacing with effectively available and client driven web applications. We make client profiles as well as page structures and wireframes consequently, making incredible UI plan.

You can profit a wide range of client experience benefits that remember dynamic investment for creative item workshops, characterizing client profiles, stream of undertaking, data progression, redone settings, UI guide and significantly more. With the assistance of UI/UX administrations, you will have the option to appreciate rebranding administrations for various organizations with present sites, regardless of whether it is a business site, corporate, eCommerce or only an exhibition. Thusly, you can really create HTML 5 and glimmer sites for conveying surprising visual appearance.

Web UX/UI Design

There are Business Intelligence Softwares that computerize various cycles of business and convey reserve funds as far as cost and time. This, thusly, prompts improved degree of profitability.

Business knowledge programming can improve business related activities which incorporate – advertising, staffing, worker preparing, item advancement or deals measure.

Mobile App UX/UI Design

Business inteliigence framework is an incredible method to prevail upon your imminent customers, provider or sellers about the results of the organization.

Business insight arrangements have remarkable information representation capacities which guarantees information perception of operational reports. These are basic, simple to peruse and see in this way, empowering you to make a move, when required.

Ongoing information and business knowledge dashboards oversee significant data without any problem. This is significant for speedy reasoning and taking choice right away.

Best Pricing
  • 3 Pages Website
  • 2 Stock images
  • 1 Jquery Slider Banner
  • Contact/Query Form
  • FREE 12 Months Domain Name
  • Complete W3C Certified HTML
  • 48 to 72 hours TAT
  • Complete Deployment
  • 5 Pages Website
  • 5 Stock images
  • 3 Banner Designs
  • 1 JQuery Slider
  • Free Google Friendly Sitemap
  • FREE 12 Months Hosting
  • Complete W3C Certified HTML
  • 48 to 72 hours TAT
  • 10 Unique Pages Website
  • Content Management System (CMS)
  • Mobile Responsive
  • 8 Stock images
  • 5 Banner Designs
  • JQuery Slider
  • Free Google Friendly Sitemap
  • FREE 12 Months Domain Name
  • Upto 15 Unique Pages Website
  • Conceptual and Dynamic Website
  • Content Management System (CMS)
  • Mobile Responsive
  • Easy Product Search
  • Product Reviews
  • Unlimited Products
  • Unlimited Categories